Dr. L.A. Campbell
I have always navigated between the two worlds. They are integrated within me even though they seem divergent.
I am a Healer, a spiritual warrior, a teacher of metaphysics, and I am an intuitive empath who is clairsentient, claircognizant, and clairaudient. I have memories from many lives here on earth and on other worlds. In this life, I have studied many beliefs and practices in order to connect compassionately with others.
I am also a clinically certified hypnotherapist and regressionist; a doctoral- prepared medical clinician specializing in progressive neurological disorders, sensory-motor integration, and musculoskeletal dysfunction; a certified sound therapist; and a Reiki practitioner. I work with others holistically to integrate mind, body, and spirit in my private practice, Vortex Wellness Concepts, LLC.
Join me down the rabbit hole where we'll explore the far reaches of the cosmos and find growth and inner power!